Archives for Android - Page 5


Learn to create a Rotary Dialer application for Android

Classically, Android users use stock dial to make calls. There are also many alternatives available on Google Play Store for stock dial. But, some users like add a touch of retro to their smartphone and seek for an old school rotary dialer. If old guys are nostalgic about old rotary dialers, young guys sometimes doesn’t know what it is. So…
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Learn to make calls programmatically on Android

Smartphones are always more and more powerful but at the end, the main usage of a smartphone remains calling some people to communicate with them. In this tutorial, you are going to discover how to make calls programmatically on Android. You can also discover this tutorial in video on YouTube : First, we need to create a layout with an…
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Discover all the joys of the famous fortune Unix program on Android

For users familiar with Unix and Linux systems, the word fortune has a very special meaning. Indeed, Fortune is a small, simple command line program displaying a random message from a database of quotes. Intended mainly for computer scientists, these quotes correspond mostly to jokes about computer science and programming. Nevertheless, there are also quotes from science fiction such as…
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Learn to create a Proximity Detector App on Android

Android devices have a lot of different sensors. Amongst them, most of them have a proximity detector sensor. It detects when your hand is close of the device. In this tutorial, you are going to create a Proximity Detector Application for Android by using the proximity detector sensor. Note that this tutorial is also available on Youtube :   First…
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Learn to use WebSockets on Android with OkHttp

Like you should know, WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. It is supported in HTML 5. Since the version of the OkHttp library, you can also use WebSockets connection in your Android applications. In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to create a simple chat application with the Echo WebSocket…
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Learn to create the game “Spin The Bottle” on Android

What is better that creating some funny games to learn the basics of Android development ? Today, you’re going to discover more on the Android Animation API by creating the game “Spin The Bottle”. Note that you can discover this tutorial in video on Youtube too : Spin the bottle is a party game in which several players sit/stand/kneel in…
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Learn to create a Flip Coin Application on Android

When you start to learn Android Development, it can be interesting to make some little and fun applications. It’s good to motivate yourself and it is also a great way to discover some specific part of the Android SDK. Today, I propose you to create a Flip Coin Application on Android to help you to discover how to use the…
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Learn to draw an Analog Clock on Android with the Canvas 2D API

To learn to use the Canvas 2D API, a good exercise is to draw an Analog Clock on Android. In this tutorial, you are going to discover how to create this kind of Clock and you will see some basics like creating a custom view and draw on a Canvas. Note that you can enjoy this tutorial in video on…
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Use OkHttp to make Network Requests on Android

Created by Square, OkHttp is an open source project designed to be an efficient HTTP and HTTP/2 client. It lets you to make fast requests and save bandwith. It offers some great features out of the box like to share a socket for all HTTP/2 requests to the same host, a connection pooling mechanism when HTTP/2 is not available, transparent…
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Learn to parse an HTML Page on Android with JSoup

When you make Android applications, you can have to parse HTML data or HTML pages got from the Web. One of the most known solution to make that in Java is to use JSoup Library. Like said on the official website of JSoup : "It is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for…
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