Tag archives for Tutorial - Page 6


How to implement a Splash Screen in Android ?

Implementing a splash screen in Android is a redundant question among beginners. With that tutorial, we’re going to see that it’s very easy to implement a splash screen with just some lines of code. Before to continue, it’s important to understand that splash screen is not a recommended design pattern in Android. However, you can implement if you want and…
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Implement a Gesture Detector in Android

In modern applications, manage users’ gestures is an essential feature. It brings a better interactivity between your application and users. Implement a Gesture Detector to create a view flipper in Android is very simple and we’re going to make it quickly. Follow the guide. Android SDK provides a GestureDetector class available in package . GestureDetecture detects various gestures and events…
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Learn how to make a Swing painting and drawing application

In this video tutorial, you're going to learn how to create a Swing painting and drawing application. Main goal is to learn how to draw in 2D in Java Swing component. Tutorial has a Youtube live coding video and also some explanations here with source code. Don't hesitate to give me your feedbacks and comments.   Video is here :…
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